Athesia Reborn Wiki

"That may not be so easy"

  • If you want to fail at something, invoke a flaw, don't call "that may not be so easy" on yourself unless you want to succeed.
  • Be active with your narration both before and during a check. The GM has tools to stop you overstepping the mark.

"But surely I"

  • When saying "but surely I" you can draw on anything about your character that could cause trouble, not just your flaw.

If you feel like you have had a lot of attention in a mission, try asking other players how their character would solve the next problem.

Make sure you use the phrases as they appear in the rules. Say the actual words.

Remember that you can always stop the GM from doing anything they have narrated. If they say your character dies you don't have to accept it! Use "that may not be so easy" or "do it differently".
